Título/Izenburua: Homenaje a los prisioneros del franquismo en el Alto de Igal. 2008.
Autoría/Egileak: Arauco Orellana – Arauco-tv.eu
Edición Digital/Argitalpen Digitala: Memoriaren Bideak/Gerónimo de Uztariz
Fecha y Fuente: Arauco-tv.eu | 2008
Licencia de Uso/Erabilerako Litzentzia: Creative Commons-Atribución-Compartir bajo la misma licencia
Adaptación del vídeo para internet/Bideoaren moldaketa interneterako: Visualiza.info


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Nota: En los créditos del vídeo por error Arauco aparece con «k». Realmente el autor es Arauco Orellana y su web con más documentales políticos es www.Arauco-tv.eu

En este apartado puedes visionar fragmentos de entrevistas, documentales sobre trabajos forzados y otro tipo de material audiovisual.

Durante muchos años la experiencia de los trabajos forzados ha estado silenciada, o como mucho constreñida al mundo privado de los prisioneros, de sus familias y amistades.

Queremos que gracias a esta página web su voz pueda ser escuchada por todas las personas interesadas en esta cuestión, para que sean ellos y ellas, protagonistas de esta historia de esclavitud y dignidad, quienes nos hagan llegar sus experiencias

One of the principle objectives of this project is the social recognition of those who spent years of their youth working as slaves in the Pyrenees mountains, that’s why we wish to collect together the highest possible number of names of people who were involved. Various people are working on the digitalisation of the data gathered from different archives, which step by step are being published here on this site. Up to now, and with the need for further investigations, 3,437 prisoners who worked building different fortifications and Pyreneen roads have been identified, and it is our objective to incorporate step by step all those names on this list.

At present we have published a list containing 1,300 prisoners, members of Worker’s Battalions 106 and 127 and Disciplinary Battalions of Troop Workers 60 and 38. Also include are the prisoners who died in the Military Disciplinary Hospital in Pamplona from spring of 1940. These lists also appear in the book “ Esclavos del franquismo en el Pirineo” (Slaves of Franco in the Pyrenees) ,which includes explications on the methods of investigation and the sources used for the identification of these prisoners.

As we already stated, our aim is to gradually extend these lists, thus correcting any errors derived from historical writings and documentation, in this way we would like to welcome all those people who may be able to provide facts and data to contact us.